Book Hoarders Anonymous (6)

June is here! That means freedom that the school year is almost over, which means I will have quite a bit of time to read ALL THE BOOKS! This is a good thing since I just got back from BEA and I picked up some excellent titles. I won’t be featuring those in this post, but check back for my BEA recap in a few days!

From the Library:

Cubs in Toyland by Bill Willingham – I have been eagerly anticipating this next installment in the series, I can’t wait to start! Also, did you hear that Fables is being adapted into a movie?? By the same producer as the HARRY POTTER films? OMG. OMG. OMG.

From Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Love and Lament

Love and Lament by John Milliken Thompson – Family curse, historical fiction!

Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein – Companion to Code Name Verity!

Black Spring by Alison Croggon – Inspired by Wuthering Heights

Wild Boy by Rob Lloyd Jones – Traveling freak show!

The Kingdom Of Little Wounds by Susann Cokal – “a single errant prick of a needle sets off a series of events that will alter the course of history.”

North of Nowhere by Liz Kessler – (MG) “The sleepy seaside village of Porthaven hides a mystery…”

A Wounded Name by  Dot Hutchison – A retelling of Hamlet!


Yes, I know that I was just on a three day trip in which I was given SO MANY BOOKS…that doesn’t mean that I can’t still treat myself. Right? RIGHT?!

Brittany and I went to The Book Barn, and while we were in NYC I also gifted myself with a few books from The Strand, and Books of Wonder, because…obviously..


Above we have The Last Tempation and Chu’s Day (signed) by Neil Gaiman, Oz: The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz (signed) by Eric Shanower, We Hear the Dead by Dianne Salerni, The Blade of Fortriu, The Well of Shades, Wolfskin, Child of the Prophecy, Son of the Shadows, and Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier, Scarlet by A. C. Gaughen, What the Dickens by Gregory Maguire, The Thirteenth Child and The Book of Enchantments by Patricia C. Wrede, Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George, and The Nature of Monsters by Clare Clark.

Sync is again offering free audiobooks throughout the summer, I was lucky enough to download Of Poseidon by Anna Banks, and The Tempest by William Shakespeare.

I was SO excited to be a winner from The Hero’s Guide to Storming the Castle giveaway on Mod Podge Books because look at the AMAZING artwork (and hardcover!!) I received!!

Hero's Guide Artwork

I was also lucky enough to be a winner during Candice’s birthday giveaway and she sent me a gorgeous frame featuring one of my favorite quotes, EVER. Also bustedtees and teefury had some awesome shirts (and sales) this month so I treated myself!


What Did You Miss?

I reviewed one of my favorite, and one of the funniest books of the year, The Hero’s Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy.

Sign ups for Classics Retold closed, and I decided to focus on Robin Hood. After much deliberation I decided on some awesome books, movies, and shows to focus on this summer!

A Song of Ice and Fire Read Along is still happening, and I am going strong! You can read my thoughts on book one, and if you are further along in the series, consider joining us!

After reading one of my favorite books of the year, I am able to conclude that I have a serious love for historical fiction novels. Check out my review of The Caged Graves to learn about the deeply layered, mysterious, and SWOONY novel by Dianne Salerni

What’s to Come?

As you all know, I went to Book Expo America and had a fantastic time. Look for a recap of the whole conference, and a separate author recap because I HEARD NEIL GAIMAN SPEAK and was amazing.

In terms of reviews, look for my thoughts on Bloodspell by Amalie Howard, The Name of the Wind audiobook by Patrick Rothfuss (OMG.), and some other upcoming titles.

I picked up quite a few books from BEA that will be used for giveaways, some of them are signed but I won’t tell you which…just stay tuned…especially if you enjoyed Code Name Verity. Just sayin’!