Book Hoarders Anonymous (3) December Edition!

I don’t usually do a post about my bookish goodies as, to be honest, I don’t get many! However December has been VERY kind to me and I have a hoard!

First, the beau surprised (and spoiled me) with an early bday present of Krampus by Brom! I had hoped to read and review it by Christmas but I just don’t see that happening! So far it is just as awesome as Brom’s other works and I have already ordered some of his amazing artwork. (Not pictured: The Birthday Fairy also sent me a copy of Bill Willingham’s Fairest: Wide Awake!)


Second, I participated in The Broke and The Bookish Secret Santa this year and it was SO FUN! I was lucky enough to have been picked by my dear friend Amy from Tripping Over Books and she spoiled me to the max!


How awesome is she?! Not only did she get me The Lion of Ireland, Goose Girl, and The Lost Conspiracy but she also got me an AMAZING Slytherin Quidditch shirt (Um, yes, I AM a Slytherin AND PROUD), some DELICIOUS peppermint hot chocolate (already tasted it,) a yummy chocolate treat and WARM, FUZZY SOCKS!! I swear I have the best friends. ❤

Third, Brittany from The Book Addict’s Guide sent me a signed copy of The Evolution of Mara Dyer! AH!


Also, we took our last trip of the year to The Book Barn and I picked up a lot of goodies!


My awesome finds:

Nocturnes and The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly

A Drowned Maiden’s Hair (Found after searching for a copy for Heidi!)

Dragon’s Blood, A Sending of Dragons and Sword of the Rightful King by Jane Yolen (Can you believe I still haven’t read anything by Jane Yolen?)

Woo hoo! I’m back! How was everyone’s holiday? Mine was beautiful AND I got some lovely new books from the loved ones:


Sandman: Volume 1 by Neil Gaiman – SO EXCITED to read this one!!

Fairy Tales From the Brother’s Grimm by Philip Pullman

Werewolves of the Heartland by Bill Willingham – Actually already read this one right after I opened it up and I LOVED it!!

The Brides of Rollrock Island by Margo Lanagan – Finally going to pick this baby up!

The Lost Novels of Bram Stoker (Not pictured) – How amazing is it that there are LOST NOVELS by BRAM STOKER!!??

I also got quite a bit of Barnes and Noble spending money so help me spend it, friends! Suggestions are welcome!!!

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