Happy Birthday, Mr. Shakespeare! (Giveaway)

william shakespeare
William Shakespeare
April 23, 1564 – April 23, 1616
Good frend for Iesvs sake forbeare,
To digg the dvst encloased heare.
Bleste be ye man yt spares thes stones,
And cvrst be he yt moves my bones.

You all might remember that I wrote a post dedicated to the Bard on his birthday last year. Well this year I thought that I would make it a little more fun! Since part of my focus on the Classics Retold project is dedicated to Shakespeare, I thought that it would be fun to offer a giveaway to my readers to celebrate William’s birthday, and to remind you all how fun retellings are!

Therefore, to wish Mr. Shakespeare a happy birthday and deathday: one winner will receive their choice of any Shakespeare retelling! Here is a link to a Goodreads list of retellings but I will of course take additional suggestions!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Mr. Shakespeare! (Giveaway)

  1. I’ve been majorly missing in the blogosphere and this is the first I read about Classics Retold. Signed up, obviously, but wanted to pick something that had a few movie adaptations. Pride & Prejudice was already taken and some of my favorites are *cough* a bit too long to promise to read. So I went the children’s classics route. Cop out or part of a diabolical plan? Either way, I’ll be watching Jo March say no to Laurie and get it on with an old German dude…over and over again in all the adaptations.

    • You are awesome! Diabolical plan FOR SURE! I can’t wait to read all about your thoughts on Jo saying no to Laurie. I know some fans (coughHeidicough) are all “That’s how it should be” and I am like “JO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!??” So it is always thrilling to read other’s ideas on the matter! :]

      • Ooooh well hello ladies, I just HAPPENED to stop by and see myself being proclaimed as cray cray in all caps (ALL IN CAPS MUST BE TRUE). But srsly, Jo made the right move. And I will battle to the death over it (it IS arguably my favorite book of all time). I want to know what retellings you might find to read, Flan!!

        And I’m more of a Christian Bale as Jack in Newsies kinda girl.

  2. Pingback: Book Hoarders Anonymous (5) | Books Take You Places

  3. Pingback: Weekend Ramblings: Classics Retold Reminder (Catcher in the Rye) | Excellent Library

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