
Hello, my lovelies!

It’s that time of year when everyone is talking RESOLUTIONS and BETTERING ONESELF and boy is that some serious pressure, amiright? Last year I got some great journals and I was definitely convinced I was going to do all of the fun things and then I did none of them and it was a major fail. Some of you have been chatting with me about wanting to try new things in 2018 such as journaling, hand-lettering, being more positive, etc. So I thought…why don’t we make this a feature! Introducing…



Basically, Amy and I are going to come up with monthly themes (I use that term loosely) and then give daily prompts that fit the theme. Right before the beginning of the month we will post up a nifty little image so you can see what’s coming. Ame and I will post up our pictures on our fancy new Instagram page and then we will repost a bunch of yours! Just follow us and use the hashtag #positivityprompts and/or tag us so we can make sure to see them!

The rules are there ain’t no rules.

(OMG I searched for this gif from Grease and I couldn’t find one!)

You can journal something, you can take a picture of something, draw something, sing a song, interpretive dance…whatever! We just want to make sure we take a few moments to focus on something. I will mostly be doing journal entries because I want to start writing more and I love making lists. I also wanted to get into hand-lettering this year (let’s see how that goes) so this might give me an extra boost. If you hate the theme/daily prompt, you don’t have to do it. (I wish you still would, though, because I think getting out of your comfort zone is half of the battle here.)

Y tho?

Honestly? This whole thing came out of me needing to keep myself in THE MOMENT if only for a few. I personally think it will help me to write out some self love talk, or share my favorite song lyrics, or…take a picture of something blue. I did the #100happydays project a few years ago and it really did help me stay positive and focused. I think it is important to just CHILL for a few. I also really love our community and want it to grow and think this might be a good way to do so. I cannot wait to see what you all have to share with us!

So again….FOLLOW US

Fortnight of Fright (6)


Wow. I can’t believe we are doing this for a SIXTH year in a row! B (blog and Twitter), Ame (blog and Twitter) and I try and host this two week feature where we celebrate all things Autumn and (if you want) HALLOWEEN!

I am basically just going to copy the same blurb I have for years cause 1. I am lazy and 2. It’s the pertinent info that ya need….SO for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about (hello, and welcome!) Fortnight of Fright is a time in which we host and share different posts related to Autumn and Halloween! We work with you guys and sometimes amazing authors to showcase some creepy books, interviews, movies, and SO MUCH MOAR! There is no limit on what you can post about! Do you have a signature Halloween or Autumn cocktail recipe? Pinterest board filled with DIY decorations? A book recommendation for those of us who love to be scared? We want it all!! JOIN US!!

Sign ups will be open from 9/11-9/22 and you will be notified the following week to confirm your post topic, and so on. We are going to ask that all posts get to us the week of 10/9 as we will be hosting you during the event which runs from 10/17-10/31! As always, the more the merrier, so scroll on down to our Google Doc and sign up to help us out!

Wondering what we had going on from years past? Check it out:

Fortnight of Fright: The Lost Boys by Lindsey

Hi, friends! Today we have Lindsey (aka Bangs) showcasing her feature Book People Talk Movies! She is chatting all about The Lost Boys, and has made me want to go home and watch this immediately! Take a look at what she has to offer and head over to Amy & Brittany’s blogs to see who they have featured today! Don’t forget, we are hosting wonderful bloggers & authors for two whole weeks with recipes, book recommendations and a lot more awesome!


For info on my feature over on Bring My Books, Book People Talk Movies, click here!

I’m so excited to be able to do a guest post about one of my favorite …”horror” movies (read the whole thing before you judge my use of the word horror, haha!)


I can’t remember the first time I saw this movie, but I remember being immediately enraptured by every single scene. The whole thing is so quintessentially 80s I just can’t even (if you know me then you know how I LOVE the 80s!).


I’ve never personally been into horror movies, considering The Craft one of the freakiest movies I’ve ever seen (seriously, nightmares for weeks). I will gladly take a rom-com or a period piece over a scary movie any day – so I always find it surprising when I end up liking (or in this case, loving) a movie that is billed as “scary” or “horror” in any way.


Now I know some of you are thinking “Hey now, I’ve seen this movie …” (well, I hope some of you have seen this and are thinking this…) “…and this is seriously just not a horror flick.” And maybe, by today’s standards anyway, you’re right! BUT, I’m talking about this movie in the way it was intended to be talked about when it was released in the summer of 1987 (just a few months after I was born!), and at that time it was deemed a blend of humor and horror. It’s also relevant to note that it did win a Saturn Award for Best Horror Film in 1987…. Continue reading

Love-A-Thon (3)



Hey there lovelies!! I am sure most of you know that the lovely Alexa over at Alexa Loves Books is hosting her annual Love-A-Thon, it is just another way that some of us are trying to focus on the cheer and positive aspects of our book blogging community. I will have a few posts on the blog throughout the weekend, and will be participating as much as I can on Twitter using the hashtag #LoveAThon so make sure to stay tuned! Happy reading, friends!!

What’s your name?

Alyssa, but honestly so few people call me that as I have so many nicknames from my loved ones. I go by “A” in the blogging world mostly.

Where in the world are you blogging from?



How did you get into blogging in the first place?

I was actually in graduate school for my MLIS a few years back and we had to observe different resources for reader’s advisory, one of which being blogs. I had been following a few (The Book Smugglers, and Broke & the Bookish being two!) and I thought about how fun it would be so I started one, and convinced my friend Heidi from Bunbury in the Stacks that it was a good idea that she start one as well!

How did you come up with your blog name?

I wanted something that was meaningful to me, that spoke of my feelings regarding books and how important they are. I have always felt that books took me away from the drama of the real world and you can become immersed in the fictional world for a little while and forget whatever it is that needs forgetting. Thus Books Take You Places was born.

What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?

I read a lot of fantasy, it makes me the happiest!

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?

Hmm I have been known to write some Disney posts ranking the swooniest male leads and villains. I also write some “non-traditional” reviews for my On the Same Page feature that I do with Amy (Tripping Over Books) and Brittany (The Book Addict’s Guide)!

Best blogging experience so far?

Hands down, the best blogging experience has been meeting my best friends. I like to call Amy and Brittany my “better thirds” because they make me a better person overall. I often think about how lucky I am to have found soul friends through the power of THE INTERNET 😀 Honestly, I couldn’t make it through a day without these two. With these two, I have created The Secret Sister Project which does its own to foster positivity in the community, that is probably the blogging experience of which I am most proud.


Favorite thing about the blogging community?

THE community is my favorite thing about the community!! Though we have those negative moments, for the most part everyone works hard to promote positivity and importantly, LITERACY. As a librarian I am a huge advocate for ALL THE READING!! It honestly brings me glee that I can hop on an app on my phone, send out a message or inquiry or even sad thought and have so many people reply back with an array of assistance.

Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2016!


– The Thorn of Emberlain by Scott Lynch (please please be this year)

– Yesternight by Cat Winters

– Heartless by Marissa Meyer

– The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater (because now I can start and binge the whole series YAY)

Name the 5 books you want to read this 2016 that you didn’t get to in previous years!

Hmm this is harder…

I am going to binge read the entire Raven Boys series

….and The Mara Dyer series

I have to finish Winter…oops.

Six of Crows is still waiting for me

…and I still never started Shadow Scale

What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?

The Caged Graves by Dianne Salerni. I loved it so much. It encompasses so many wonderful elements. If you’re looking for an immensely atmospheric, mysterious, and romantic read, I highly recommend that you pick this one up immediately.

Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF?

Sybella from Dark Triumph, I think. Though we are so very alike so I may need to choose Ismae instead so she can even me out a bit…

Which book boy or girl would be your book boyfriend/girlfriend?

AHHHHH….Bran from Son of the Shadows, I think…though I think Red is probably better for me as he is more patient than Bran and I am in need of a life partner with patience 😉

Who would you recruit for your apocalypse squad (5 characters max)

Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor for ALL THE REASONS

Agnieszka from Uprooted by Naomi Novik because duh, magic

Door from Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman because duh, she can make doors and we might need them on the other side

Snow White from Fables by Bill Willingham because she is a fighter and basically never loses

Liadan from Son of the Shadows by Juliet Marillier because she is a skilled healer

Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?

Hmm I binge watch a lot of shows (currently the last two seasons of Downton Abbey), I spend hours and days playing video games, and then don’t play again for ages (currently The Witcher), I do puzzles and just started loom knitting like a proper old lady. When it’s warm, I hike and Letterbox and sometimes Geocache…but for the most part, I read.

Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?

Hmm…makeup, I suppose. I don’t really shop for myself, though I spend a lot of time buying fun presents for other people!

At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing?

Oh lawd…I don’t know! This depends on who I am with, you know? Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” is a song that I will sing no matter where I am when it comes on, can we count that?

Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.

I think….The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Of course, this is only if it can be made PHENOMENAL. Like, Harry Potter adaptation phenomenal.

What would your dream library look like?

Actually it would look like my personal library…I work very hard to make it the coziest place ever! 

Author you want to meet and sit down to tea with?

Definitely Neil Gaiman! This is the obvious choice, right? It isn’t just because of my obvious obsession with his works, I think that he is incredibly brilliant. I would love to talk to him about all things in life, and I think we would have enlightening conversations! After I got over my definite nervousness, of course!


The Secret Sister Project (4)

secret sister project

I cannot believe that it is already time for round FOUR of #OTSPSECRETSISTER!!

Let’s first get some housekeeping things out of the way…

The two most important things to do when signing up to be a part of this project are:

  1. Head over to the google form which coincides with your monetary tier and fill it out in full. NOTE: IF YOU FORGET TO DO THIS THEN YOU WILL NOT BE PAIRED. THIS IS LITERALLY WHAT WE ARE USING TO PAIR YOU UP, IF YOU AREN’T ON THE FORM, WE CAN NOT PAIR YOU.
  2. BEFORE scrolling down to the questions, and BEFORE signing up to be a part of this project please THOROUGHLY read our FAQ and Rules post. Memorize the rules and refers back to it throughout the project. We are going to have to put more strict standards in place this round and therefore there is little leeway for tolerance of people not abiding the “rules.”

Just to cover all of our bases let me reiterate a few things, but please keep in mind that this is just a basic glossing over of these rules, we go more in detail and clarify everything in the main post that we are asking you to reference.

First, please remember that this is a commitment. By signing up to be a secret sister you are promising to send at least one small card AND/OR gift to your secret sister a month depending on the “monetary group” you sign up forIN ADDITION to this, you are also asked to send letters and or/postcards to foster positive communication. Many people asked for their to be an emphasis on the pen pal aspects of this project and we have been working hard to remind everyone that it’s not about the gifts, and this seems like the perfect way to do so. It is very important that you don’t sign up for this unless you are willing to follow through. Please think of how sad (and unfair) it would be for someone to be working hard to make their secret sister feel special and not receive anything themselves!

Last thing, sign-ups run from January 16 to midnight on January 29! Continue reading

Bard on the Blogs: Guest Post by Emma from Miss Print


Hello there, friends! Today, we have Emma from Miss Print chatting all about one of my favorite sonnets by William Shakespeare, Sonnet 130! After you are done reading, head on over to check out Emma’s blog and Twitter and head over to a Rafflecopter giveaway and enter for a chance to win a Shakespeare retelling of your choice!

What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear the name William Shakespeare?

For me, the immediate answer is “poet.”

Considering the iambic pentameter of his plays, it makes sense that Shakespeare was also a brilliant

poet who wrote 154 sonnets

over the course of his lifetime. In each sonnet, he drew out beautiful imagery and sentiments from the

rigid form that follows a specific line structure and rhyme scheme.

One of my favorite Shakespeare sonnets, one I refer to often when trying to improve my own writing, is

Sonnet 130.

Sonnet CXXX

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red, than her lips red:

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;

If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.

I have seen roses damasked, red and white,

But no such roses see I in her cheeks;

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.

I love to hear her speak, yet well I know

That music hath a far more pleasing sound:

I grant I never saw a goddess go,

My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:

And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare,

As any she belied with false compare.

Like the best poems, Sonnet 130 is layered. Instead of showering his mistress with false comparisons,

the narrator suggests that he loves her all the more fiercely for seeing her clearly–a beautiful thought

that is as relevant today as it would have been in Shakespeare’s own lifetime.

The interplay between what is overtly stated and what is left unsaid here works as a primer for how to

write and how to do it well. This sonnet never calls the subject of the poem beautiful or any other

niceties. Still, by the end, it’s impossible to think the narrator feels anything but a deep love for the


Sonnet 130 challenges everything readers think they know about love poems–and it does so with

humor. Being a sonnet is impressive enough, but also being funny and conversational? Being timely and

relevant while being more than four hundred years old? Astonishing.

Like a magician diverting the audience’s attention, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 is a misdirect of sorts as he

uses simple language and plain ideas to give voice to an abstract concept. And, really, isn’t that the

standard to which every poem, not to mention every writer, should strive?

Bard on the Blogs (1)


Hi friends!

You may remember (I mean, how could you forget) that I am a Shakespeare fangirl!! Honestly, I have a Shakespeare inspired tattoo, two kitties named after Shakespeare’s famous women, my most important inanimate objects are named after Shakespearean characters..the list goes on and on!


What’s past is prologue.

That being said, it is no question that when Alexa of Alexa Loves Books asked if I wanted to to join her in a blog collaboration celebrating the bard I jumped at the idea immediately. Thus, Bard on the Blogs was born! It is an event celebrating William Shakespeare, starting on his birthday, April 23 and ending on April 27! Alexa and I will be sharing some Shakespeare centered posts, and we want you guys to join in!

Much like the call for volunteers for Fortnight of Fright, you just fill out the form below with what you would like to do. You can write about whatever you like as long as it is Shakespeare themed! Maybe a review of his plays or the film adaptations, or your favorite quotes, even Shakespearean recipes are allowed! Get creative! The form closes on April 1, so go forth and sign up! Oh and P.S. rumor has it there might be a giveaway involved!

To see what I have done in the past to celebrate Shakespeare, take a look at the post below:

Happy Birthday, William Shakespeare!

On the Same Page: Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan

10866624Title: Unspoken

Author: Sarah Rees Brennan

Publishing Information: September 11th 2012 by Random House Books for Young Readers

Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy

Series Information: Book one in The Lynburn Legacy

Format: Hardcover, 370 pages

Source: Bought for my personal library

Recommended For: Those of you who are looking for a novel filled with layered and unforgettable characters, intense relationships, and intriguing mysteries.

Related Reviews: The Lynburn Legacy novellas by Sarah Reese Brennan

Right, first things first…I absolutely loved Unspoken. In fact, I loved it so much that I immediately read the rest of the series upon completing book one. Unspoken is filled with wonderful and intricate characters, fantastic relationships (of all kinds), and some dashes of mystery that kept me guessing. If you haven’t read this series yet, I suggest you do so immediately.

That being said, you know for our On the Same Page feature we usually do something a little different in lieu of a traditional review. Some of you may know that there is a big emphasis on Jared and Kami’s relationship, that is, they have been in each other’s minds for as long as they can remember, never meeting in real life. They put this off as having an “imaginary friend” since there seems to be no other logical explanation. Well, this got me thinking about imaginary friends (I had one named Elvis), and other imaginary friends from my childhood. So, with hopes that this doesn’t diminish anyone’s opinion of the novel, since the novel is so much more than “imaginary friends,” and because Rik Mayall recently passed away, I thought it would be fun to look at my favorite childhood film, Drop Dead Fred. Continue reading

On the Same Page: Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Title: Landline

Author: Rainbow Rowell

Publishing Information: July 8, 2014 by St. Martin’s Press

Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Series Information: Standalone

Format: Hardcover, 308 pages

Source: Received an ARC from the publisher at BEA 2014

Recommended For: Those of you who sometimes feel the pressures of a long time relationship, the good and the bad.

Related Reviews: Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell


Wow, friends, have I been struggling with this review. As you know, for our On the Same Page feature we usually do something a little out of the ordinary to showcase the unique things that we loved about the novel we just read together. The bottom line is, I don’t know how to do that for this book. So I decided I would write a quick and open letter to Rainbow Rowell trying to convey what I felt when I read her novels… Continue reading

On the Same Page: Fairytales for Wilde Girls

Title: Fairytales for Wilde Girls

Author: Allyse Near

Publishing Information: June 3, 2013 by Random House Australia

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Gothic, Fairy Tales, Romance, Paranormal, Mental Illness

Series Information: Standalone

Format: Paperback, 432 pages

Source: Purchased for my personal library

Recommended For: Fans of darker fairy tales filled with descriptive imagery, fans of Neil Gaiman, and fans of books that are much more than what they seem.

Fairytales for Wilde Girls was unlike anything I have ever read before. It was dark, and deep, and sad while simultaneously maintaining ribbons of hope and stolen moments of happiness. It was a novel of self discovery and it was the dark overtone of the novel that really assisted the snippets of light to shine through. One of the most outstanding things about Fairytales of Wilde Girls was the language and use of metaphor by the author. Allyse Near has such a gift in the way in which she conveys every moment with lyrical and descriptive language, it really heightens the novel and sets it apart from other pieces of literature. That being said, some of the quotes throughout the novel really stuck with me and I wanted to share their beauty with you guys! I made up some nifty little images to go along with a few quotes that I really loved, take a peek! Continue reading